Basic Information

*All fields are required unless otherwise noted

Project Details
Types of Projects
Project Description

Please describe the project in more detail:

Reminder: You will need to upload the following items on the next page

  • Detailed plans for the project
  • A copy of the Certificate of Insurance
  • Copy of the approval letter from Planning and Zoning
  • Copy of application submitted to Planning and Zoning
What town/city in Connecticut will the work be performed?
What is the street address where the work will be performed?

Please provide a route number, if unknown you can leave blank


Has Insurance Already Been Provided?
Who holds the insurance?

Bond ?

Who is the Bond Holder?
The original Bond MUST be on file with the District issuing the permit. To get a Permit Bond, visit the DOT's website for more information and to download the form.

Planning and Zoning ?

Does this Project have a Planning and Zoning Approval?