Event Submitted Date
1/24/2022 7:55 AM
Meeting Location
Virtual Meeting, CT, 06106
Meeting Purpose
A public webinar that will feature a panel that discusses the role of the Inland Wetland and Watercourses Act in the State Water Plan and include a brief history of wetland protection in Connecticut.
Meeting Type
Special Meeting
- WWD Agenda v2.pdf 1/27/2022 2:26 PM
- WWD Agenda Final.pdf 1/24/2022 10:03 AM
- World Wetland Day Event.png 1/24/2022 7:55 AM
Additional Information
Register at this link: https://ctdeep.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0rceuhrz0tGdFyah0EZvhyErYQ85LAbQ-t
Change Date
Change History
1/24/2022 7:57 AM
State Water Plan Implementation Work Group Outreach and Education sub-workgroup
1/24/2022 7:56 AM
State Water Plan Implementation Work Group Outreach and Education sub-workgroup